Delivery Time
This item is available for same-day shipping. Orders placed by 3 PM will be shipped on the same day.
※ Delivery will be the next day at the earliest, but may take two days depending on the delivery area. Also, please note that delivery may be significantly delayed due to traffic conditions or natural disasters.
Return and Exchange Policy
Returns and exchanges are accepted within 3 days of receiving the product.
※ If the return or exchange is due to the customer's convenience, the customer will be responsible for the round-trip shipping costs.
※ Please refer to the indication based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act for more details.
Great benefits from the BajoLugo official online store

ミニミニブリーフは、ビジネスからプライベートまで、どんな装いにも溶け込み、スタイルを引き立てる魅力が詰め込まれている。スタイルと個性を昇華させ、新たな高みへと導くアクセサリーであるミニミニブリーフは、“かばん“と言う枠を超えて、あなたの個性を表現する一部となる。ショルダーバッグ・ブリーフバッグ・クラッチバッグ。 3つの顔を持つミニミニブリーフ。小さいサイズながら収納力も十分。ショルダーなしでガシ持ちクラッチ、ショルダーありで今どきサコッシュ感覚としても使える。
横=約26cm× 高=約19cm × 奥=約10cm。ショルダーストラップ最大122cm。
・For products other than made-to-order products, we accept returns and exchanges within 3 days of arrival. Please note that in this case, the shipping fee will be borne by the customer.
-Shipping operations are generally closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
・BajoLugo online store ships products in minimal packaging to protect the environment. By eliminating unnecessary cushioning and cardboard, we are mindful of the environment and reducing waste. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you require gift wrapping, please let us know and we will provide it, although it is simple.
※Caution regarding unauthorized use※
Our system (Shopify) has implemented 3D Secure , but if any signals of fraudulent use are detected, we may ask you to contact us for confirmation, change your payment method, or submit identification , so please be aware of this in advance.
※Factors that lead to fraudulent use being detected※
-Ordering a high-priced item -The order information and credit card information are different -The order location and delivery address are different -The name of the person placing the order are different from the name on the credit card, and other various other factors may cause this to happen.